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201608-14-2、Caspase 3 (Apopain) Substrate 1f、fluorogenic,Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-AFC、Ac-DEVD-AFC,杭州专肽生物的产品

Caspase 3 (Apopain) Substrate 1f, fluorogenic (10765-05)

Ac-DEVD-AFC 是一种荧光底物 (λex=400 nm,λem=530 nm)。




  • 编号:130310
    中文名称:Caspase 3 (Apopain) Substrate 1f, fluorogenic (10765-05)
    英文名:Caspase 3 (Apopain) Substrate 1f, fluorogenic (10765-05)












    标签:酶底物肽(Substrate Peptide)    AFC修饰肽    细胞凋亡肽(Apoptosis Peptides)   

  • Ac-DEVD-AFC 是一种荧光底物 (λex=400 nm,λem=530 nm)。

    Ac-DEVD-AFC is a fluorogenic substrate (λex=400 nm, λem=530 nm).



          胱天蛋白酶(Caspases)是含半胱氨酸的天冬氨酸蛋白水解酶,它们是为细胞凋亡的主要介质。多种受体,例如TNF-α 受体,FasL受体,TLR和死亡受体,以及Bcl-2和凋亡抑制剂(IAP)蛋白家族参与并调节该caspase依赖性凋亡途径。一旦Caspase受到上游信号(外部或内在)刺激被激活,即会参与执行下游蛋白底物的水解作用,并触发一系列事件,导致细胞分解,死亡,吞噬作用和细胞碎片的清除。



           表1. 人胱天蛋白酶的功能分类:

    细胞死亡途径 半胱天冬酶类型 酵素 物种
    细胞凋亡 启动器 Caspases 2 人与鼠
    细胞凋亡 启动器 Caspases 8 人与鼠
    细胞凋亡 启动器 Caspases 9 人与鼠
    细胞凋亡 启动器 Caspases 10 人的
    细胞凋亡 效应器 Caspases 3 人与鼠
    细胞凋亡 效应器 Caspases 6 人与鼠
    细胞凋亡 效应器 Caspases 6 人与鼠
    细胞焦亡 炎性的 Caspases 1 人与鼠
    细胞焦亡 炎性的 Caspases 4 人的
    细胞焦亡 炎性的 Caspases 5 人的



          凋亡启动器Caspase酶,例如caspase-2,-8,-9和-10可以启动caspase激活级联反应。Caspase-8对于形成死亡诱导信号复合物(DISC)是必不可少的,并且在激活后,Caspase-8激活下游效应子Caspase(例如Caspase 3)并介导线粒体中细胞色素c的释放。Caspase-8已被证明对IETD肽序列具有相对较高的底物选择性。凋亡效应胱天蛋白酶例如Caspase-3,-6和-7虽然不负责启动级联途径,但是当被激活时,它们在级联的中间和后续步骤中起着不可或缺的作用。Caspase-3(CPP32 / apopain)是关键效应器,因为它放大了来自启动器Caspase的信号,使用对Caspase-3有选择性的DEVD肽序列对活化的Caspase-3进行检测,可以检测Caspase-3的活性。



           表2. Caspase的底物及其序列

    多肽 氨基酸序列 对应的Caspase的种类
    IETD Ile-Glu-Thr-Asp Caspase 8,颗粒酶B
    DEVD Asp-Glu-Val-Asp Caspase 3、6、7、8或10
    LEHD Leu-Glu-His-Asp Caspase 9
    VAD Val-Ala-Asp Caspase 1、2、3、6、8、9或10


          Caspase的显色底物是有Caspase识别序列及生色基团组成,常见的生色团有pNA(对硝基苯胺或4-硝基苯胺),可使用酶标仪或分光光度计在405 nm处进行光密度检测。

           表3. Caspase的显色底物

    底物 Caspase 吸收(nm) 颜色
    Ac-DEVD-pNA * CAS 189950-66-1 * 半胱天冬酶3 405 nm 黄色
    Z-DEVD-pNA 半胱天冬酶3 405 nm 黄色
    Z-IETD-pNA * CAS 219138-21-3 * 半胱天冬酶8,颗粒酶B 405 nm 黄色


          Caspase的荧光底物的结构包含与半胱天冬酶识别相关的荧光团,例如7-氨基-4-甲基香豆素(AMC),7-氨基-4-三氟甲基香豆素(AFC), Rhodamine 110(R110)或ProRed™620。R110的Caspase底物比基于香豆素的Caspase底物(例如AMC和AFC)更敏感,但由于两步裂解过程,其动态范围更窄。 建议将R110标记的Caspase底物用于终点法测定,而将AMC和AFC标记的 Caspase底物用于动力学测定。

          图.从左到右,分别是AMC(7-氨基-4-甲基香豆素),AFC(7-氨基-4-三氟甲基香豆素),Rhodamine 110(R110)和ProRed™620的激发和发射光谱。


    底物名称 对应的Caspase Ex(nm) Em(nm) ε¹ Φ²
    Ac-DEVD-AFC * CAS 201608-14-2 * 半胱天冬酶3、7 376 482 17000 0.53
    Ac-DEVD-AMC * CAS 169332-61-0 * 半胱天冬酶3、7 341 441 19000 N / D
    Z-DEVD-AFC 半胱天冬酶3、7 376 482 17000 0.53
    Z-DEVD-AMC * CAS 1135416-11-3 * 半胱天冬酶3、7 341 441 19000 N / D
    Z-DEVD-ProRed™620 半胱天冬酶3、7 532 619 N / D N / D
    (Z-DEVD)2 -R110 * CAS 223538-61-2 * 半胱天冬酶3、7 500 522 80000 N / D
    Z-DEVD-ProRed™620 半胱天冬酶3、7 532 619 N / D N / D
    Ac-IETD-AFC * CAS 211990-57-7 * 半胱天冬酶8,颗粒酶B 376 482 17000 0.53
    Z-IETD-AFC * CAS 219138-02-0 * 半胱天冬酶8,颗粒酶B 376 482 17000 0.53


            1.ε=在其最大吸收波长处的摩尔消光系数(单位= cm -1-1)。

          2.Φ=水性缓冲液(pH 7.2)中的荧光量子产率。



           表5. 可逆和不可逆的Caspase酶抑制剂

    抑制剂 Caspase的种类 是否可逆 Ex(nm) Em(nm)
    Ac-DEVD-CHO * CAS 169332-60-9 * 半胱天冬酶3、7 可逆的 -- --
    Ac-IETD-CHO * CAS 191338-86-0 * 半胱天冬酶8 可逆的 -- --
    mFluor™450-VAD-FMK 半胱天冬酶1,2,3,6,8,9,10 不可逆的 406 445
    mFluor™510-VAD-FMK 半胱天冬酶1,2,3,6,8,9,10 不可逆的 412 505
    FITC-C6-DEVD-FMK 半胱天冬酶3、7 不可逆的 491 516
    FITC-C6-DEVD-FMK 半胱天冬酶3、7 不可逆的 491 516
    FITC-C6-LEHD-FMK 半胱天冬酶9 不可逆的 491 516
    FITC-C6-LEHD-FMK 半胱天冬酶9 不可逆的 491 516
    FAM-VAD-FMK 半胱天冬酶1,2,3,6,8,9,10 不可逆的 493 517
    SRB-VAD-FMK [磺胺丁胺B-VAD-FMK] 半胱天冬酶1,2,3,6,8,9,10 不可逆的 559 577

    多肽荧光标记由于没有放射性,实验操作简单。因此,目前在生物学研究中多肽荧光标记应用非常广泛,多肽荧光标记方法与荧光试剂的结构有关系,对于有游离羧基的采用的方法与接多肽反应相同,也采用HBTU/HOBt/DIEA方法连接。 在N端标记FITC的多肽需经历环化作用来形成荧光素,通常会伴有最后一个氨基酸的去除,但当有一个间隔器如氨基己酸,或者是通过非酸性环境将目的多肽从树脂上切下来时,这种情况可避免在切割的过程中被TFA切割掉。
            人们利用利用荧光标记的多肽来检测目标蛋白的活性,并将 其发展的高通量活性筛选方法应用于疾病治疗靶点蛋白的药物筛选和药物开发(例如,各种激 酶、磷酸酶、肽酶等)。





          FITC(异硫氰酸荧光素)具有比较高的活性,我们公司可以通过两种方式将FITC标记于多肽 上:(1) 将FITC标记于赖氨酸(Lys)或被选择性地脱保护的鸟氨酸(ornithine)侧链氨基 上;(2) 将FITC标记于多肽N端氨基。

          当在N端标记时,建议在最后一个氨基和由异硫氰酸酯与氨基反应产生的硫脲键之间引入 烷基间隔器(alkyl spacer),如氨基己酸(Ahx)。链接切割需要酸性环境,在N端标记FITC 的多肽需经历环化作用来形成荧光素,通常会伴有最后一个氨基酸的去除,但当有一个间隔器 如氨基己酸,或者是通过非酸性环境将目的肽从树脂上切下来时,这种情况可避免。空间位阻 被认为是在荧光染料前使用Ahx的主要原因,而不是为什么FITC不能直接偶联在多肽上的原因。



    荧光修饰中文名称 N端 N端带有linker
    生物素标记多肽 Biotin- Biotin-Ahx-
    异硫氰酸荧光素 FITC-   FITC-Ahx-  
    5-羧基荧光素 5-FAM- 5-FAM-Ahx- 
    丹磺酰荧光素 Dansyl- Dansyl-Ahx- 
    5-羧基四甲基罗丹明 TMR-  (TAMRA-) TMR-Ahx-  (TAMRA-Ahx-) 
    多肽N端 多肽序列中间 N端带有linker
    生物素标记多肽 Biotin- 多肽C端
    Lys(Biotin)-  -Lys(Biotin)-- -Lys(Biotin) 
    Lys(FITC)- -Lys(FITC)-  -Lys(FITC)
    Lys(5-FAM)- -Lys(5-FAM)- -Lys(5-FAM)
    Lys(Dansyl)-  -Lys(Dansyl)- -Lys(Dansyl)
    Lys(TMR)- -Lys(TMR)-  -Lys(TMR)
    Lys(Dnp)- -Lys(Dnp)-  -Lys(Dnp)


    荧光基团 Ex(nm) Em(nm) 荧光基团 Ex(nm) Em(nm)
    羟基香豆素 325 386 R-phycoerythrin (PE) (489) 565 578
    丹磺酰氯 340 578 Rhodamine Red-X 560 580
    AMC 345 445 Tamara 565 580
    甲氧基香豆素 360 410 Alexa fluor 555 556 573
    Alexa fluor 系列 345 442 Alexa fluor 546 556 573
    氨基香豆素 350 445 Rox 575 602
    Dabcyl 453 - Alexa fluor 568 578 603
    Cy2 490 510 Texas Red 589 615
    FAM 495 517 Alexa fluor 594 590 617
    Alexa fluor 488 494 517 Alexa fluor 621 639
    FITC 495 519 Alexa fluor 633 650 668
    Alexa fluor 430 430 545 Cy5 (625) 650 670
    5-FAM 492 518 Alexa fluor 660 663 690
    Alexa fluor 532 530 530 Cy5.5 675 694
    HEX 535 556 TruRed 490; 675 695
    5-TAMRA 542 568 Alexa fluor 680 679 702
    Cy3 550 570 Cy7 743 767
    TRITC 547 572 Cy3.5 581 596

    Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a normal component of the development and health of multicellular organisms. Cells die in response to a variety of stimuli and during apoptosis they do so in a controlled, regulated fashion.

    In 1885,  Flemming W described the process of programmed cell death. John Kerr's discovery, in late 1960s, initially called "shrinkage necrosis" but which he later renamed "apoptosis", came about when his attention was caught by a curious form of liver cell death during his studies of acute liver injury in rats 1,2.  Kerr in 1972 proposed the term apoptosis is for mechanism of controlled cell deletion, which appears to play a complementary but opposite role to mitosis in the regulation of animal cell populations. Its morphological features suggest that it is an active, inherently programmed phenomenon, and it has been shown that it can be initiated or inhibited by a variety of environmental stimuli, both physiological and pathological 3. 

    Structural Characteristics
    Heterodimerization between members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins is a key event in the regulation of programmed cell death. The molecular basis for heterodimer formation was investigated by determination of the solution structure of a complex between the survival protein Bcl-xL and the death-promoting region of the Bcl-2-related protein Bak. The structure and binding affinities of mutant Bak peptides indicate that the Bak peptide adopts an amphipathic  helix that interacts with Bcl-xL through hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Mutations in full-length Bak that disrupt either type of interaction inhibit the ability of Bak to heterodimerize with Bcl-xL 4.

    The structure of the 16–amino acid peptide complexed with a biologically active deletion mutant of Bcl-xL was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). The structure was determined from a total of 2813 NMR-derived restraints and is well defined by the NMR data. The Bak peptide forms a helix when complexed to Bcl-xL. The COOH terminal portion of the Bak peptide interacts predominantly with residues in the BH2 and BH3 regions. Melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis (ML-IAP) is a potent anti-apoptotic protein that is upregulated in a number of melanoma cell lines but not expressed in most normal adult tissues. Overexpression of IAP proteins, such as ML-IAP or the ubiquitously expressed X-chromosome-linked IAP (XIAP), in human cancers has been shown to suppress apoptosis induced by a variety of stimuli. X-ray crystal structures of ML-IAP-BIR in complex with Smac- and phage-derived peptides, together with peptide structure−activity-relationship data, indicate that the peptides can be modified to provide increased binding affinity and selectivity for ML-IAP-BIR relative to XIAP-BIR3 5.

    Mode of Action
    Upon receiving specific signals instructing the cells to undergo apoptosis a number of distinctive changes occur in the cell. Families of proteins known as caspases are typically activated in the early stages of apoptosis. These proteins breakdown or cleave key cellular components that are required for normal cellular function including structural proteins in the cytoskeleton and nuclear proteins such as DNA repair enzymes. The caspases can also activate other degradative enzymes such as DNases, which begin to cleave the DNA in the nucleus.

    Apoptotic cells display distinctive morphology during the apoptotic process. Typically, the cell begins to shrink following the cleavage of lamins and actin filaments in the cytoskeleton. The breakdown of chromatin in the nucleus often leads to nuclear condensation and in many cases the nuclei of apoptotic cells take on a "horse-shoe" like appearance. Cells continue to shrink, packaging themselves into a form that allows for their removal by macrophages. There are a number of mechanisms through which apoptosis can be induced in cells. The sensitivity of cells to any of these stimuli can vary depending on a number of factors such as the expression of pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins (eg. the Bcl-2 proteins or the Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins), the severity of the stimulus and the stage of the cell cycle. The Bcl-2 family of proteins plays a central role in the regulation of apoptotic cell death induced by a wide variety of stimuli. Some proteins within this family, including Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, inhibit programmed cell death, and others, such as Bax and Bak, can promote apoptosis 6, 7.


    For development, Apoptosis is as needed for proper development as mitosis is.  Examples: The resorption of the tadpole tail at the time of its metamorphosis into a frog occurs by apoptosis.

    Integrity of the organism, Apoptosis is needed to destroy cells that represent a threat to the integrity of the organism. Examples: Cells infected with viruses8.

    Cells of the immune system, as cell-mediated immune responses wane, the effector cells must be removed to prevent them from attacking body constituents. CTLs induce apoptosis in each other and even in themselves 9.

    Cells with DNA damage, damage to its genome can cause a cell to disrupt proper embryonic development leading to birth defects to become cancerous.


    1.     Kerr JF (1965). A histochemical study of hypertrophy and ischaemic injury of rat liver with special reference to changes in lysosomes. Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, 90(90):419-435.

    2.     Kerr JF, Wyllie AH, Currie AR (1972). Apoptosis: a basic biological phenomenon with wide-ranging implications in tissue kinetics. Br. J. Cancer., 26(4):239-257.

    3.     O'Rourke MG, Ellem KA (2000). John Kerr and apoptosis. Med. J. Aust., 173(11-12): 616-617.

    4.     Franklin MC, Kadkhodayan S, Ackerly H, Alexandru D, Distefano MD, Elliott LO, Flygare JA, Mausisa G, Okawa DC, Ong D, Vucic D, Deshayes K, Fairbrother WJ (2003). Structure and function analysis of peptide antagonists of melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis (ML-IAP). Biochemistry, 42(27):8223-8231.

    5.     Sattler M, Liang H, Nettesheim D, Meadows RP, Harlan JE, Eberstadt M, Yoon HS, Shuker SB, Chang BS, Minn AJ, Thompson CB, Fesik SW (1997). Structure of bcl-xl-bak peptide complex: recognition between regulators of apoptosis. Science, 275(5302):983-986.

    6.     Hanada M, Aimé-Sempé C, Sato T, Reed JC (1995). Structure-function analysis of Bcl-2 protein. Identification of conserved domains important for homodimerization with Bcl-2 and heterodimerization with Bax. J. Biol. Chem., 270(20):11962-11969.

    7.     Cheng EHY, Levine B, Boise LH, Thompson CB, Hardwic JM (1996). Bax-independent inhibition of apoptosis by Bcl-xL.Nature, 379:554-556.

    8.     Alimonti JB, Ball TB, Fowke KR (2003). Mechanisms of CD4+ T lymphocyte cell death in human immunodeficiency virus infection and AIDS. J Gen Virology., 84(84): 1649-1661.

    9.     Werlen G, Hausmann B, Naeher D, Palmer E (2003). Signaling life and death in the thymus: timing is everything. Science. 299(5614):1859-1863.

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  • 多肽Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-AFC的合成步骤:

    1、合成CTC树脂:称取1.41g CTC Resin(如初始取代度约为0.43mmol/g)和0.73mmol Fmoc-Asp(OtBu)-OH于反应器中,加入适量DCM溶解氨基酸(需要注意,此时CTC树脂体积会增大好几倍,避免DCM溶液过少),再加入1.82mmol DIPEA(Mw:129.1,d:0.740g/ml),反应2-3小时后,可不抽滤溶液,直接加入1ml的HPLC级甲醇,封端半小时。依次用DMF洗涤2次,甲醇洗涤1次,DCM洗涤一次,甲醇洗涤一次,DCM洗涤一次,DMF洗涤2次(这里使用甲醇和DCM交替洗涤,是为了更好地去除其他溶质,有利于后续反应)。得到  Fmoc-Asp(OtBu)-CTC Resin。结构图如下:

    2、脱Fmoc:加3倍树脂体积的20%Pip/DMF溶液,鼓氮气30分钟,然后2倍树脂体积的DMF 洗涤5次。得到 H2N-Asp(OtBu)-CTC Resin 。(此步骤脱除Fmoc基团,茚三酮检测为蓝色,Pip为哌啶)。结构图如下:

    3、缩合:取1.82mmol Fmoc-Val-OH 氨基酸,加入到上述树脂里,加适当DMF溶解氨基酸,再依次加入3.64mmol DIPEA,1.73mmol HBTU。反应30分钟后,取小样洗涤,茚三酮检测为无色。用2倍树脂体积的DMF 洗涤3次树脂。(洗涤树脂,去掉残留溶剂,为下一步反应做准备)。得到Fmoc-Val-Asp(OtBu)-CTC Resin。氨基酸:DIPEA:HBTU:树脂=3:6:2.85:1(摩尔比)。结构图如下:


    H2N-Val-Asp(OtBu)-CTC Resin

    Fmoc-Glu(OtBu)-Val-Asp(OtBu)-CTC Resin

    H2N-Glu(OtBu)-Val-Asp(OtBu)-CTC Resin

    Fmoc-Asp(OtBu)-Glu(OtBu)-Val-Asp(OtBu)-CTC Resin


    最后再经过步骤二得到 H2N-Asp(OtBu)-Glu(OtBu)-Val-Asp(OtBu)-CTC Resin,结构如下:

    5、乙酸酐反应连接:在上述树脂中,加入适当DMF后,再加入1.82mmol 乙酸酐到树脂中,再加入3.64mmol DIPEA、1.73mmol HBTU,鼓氮气反应30分钟。用2倍树脂体积的DMF 洗涤3次树脂(洗涤树脂,去掉残留溶剂,为下一步反应做准备)。 得到Ac-Asp(OtBu)-Glu(OtBu)-Val-Asp(OtBu)-CTC Resin。 结构如下:

    6、全保护切割:配置0.5%TFA/DCM溶液,溶液体积约为树脂体积的3倍。再次用DCM洗涤树脂2遍(去除残留DMF),后将配置好的溶液倒入到反应器中,反应30分钟。抽滤树脂,收集滤液(此时多肽已经从树脂上分离,存在于滤液中)。多肽序列为 Ac-Asp(OtBu)-Glu(OtBu)-Val-Asp(OtBu)-CTC Resin。 在滤液中添加DIEPA,调PH至7-8。用饱和NaHCO3洗涤滤液,分离出DCM层溶液。可适当旋蒸DCM层溶液,减少有机溶剂。再次加入1或2倍体积的乙酸乙酯,用稀HCl溶液调PH至微酸性,将多肽从DCM层萃取到乙酸乙酯层。用饱和NaCl洗涤2次乙酸乙酯层。用无水硫酸镁吸收乙酸乙酯层的水分。通过减压旋蒸,直接将乙酸乙酯完全旋蒸掉,得到晶体状固体多肽,用于下一步C端反应。或通过减压旋蒸保留适量乙酸乙酯的溶液体积,加入冰乙醚析出 多肽,然后对多肽进行烘干操作即可用于下一步C端反应。Ac-Asp(OtBu)-Glu(OtBu)-Val-Asp(OtBu)-COOH的结构图如下。

    7、7-氨基-4-三氟甲基香豆素反应连接:在上述树脂中,加入适当DMF后,再加入1.82mmol 7-氨基-4-三氟甲基香豆素到树脂中,再加入3.64mmol DIPEA、1.73mmol HBTU,鼓氮气反应30分钟。用2倍树脂体积的DMF 洗涤3次树脂(洗涤树脂,去掉残留溶剂,为下一步反应做准备)。 得到 Ac-Asp(OtBu)-Glu(OtBu)-Val-Asp(OtBu)-AFC。 结构如下:

    8、切割:6倍树脂体积的切割液(或每1g树脂加8ml左右的切割液),摇床摇晃 2小时,过滤掉树脂,用冰无水乙醚沉淀滤液,并用冰无水乙醚洗涤沉淀物3次,最后将沉淀物放真空干燥釜中,常温干燥24小试,得到粗品Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-AFC。结构图见产品结构图。





    9、纯化冻干:使用液相色谱纯化,收集目标峰液体,进行冻干,获得蓬松的粉末状固体多肽。不过这时要取小样复测下纯度 是否目标纯度。


    杭州专肽生物技术有限公司(ALLPEPTIDE https://www.allpeptide.com)主营定制多肽合成业务,提供各类长肽,短肽,环肽,提供各类修饰肽,如:荧光标记修饰(CY3、CY5、CY5.5、CY7、FAM、FITC、Rhodamine B、TAMRA等),功能基团修饰肽(叠氮、炔基、DBCO、DOTA、NOTA等),同位素标记肽(N15、C13),订书肽(Stapled Peptide),脂肪酸修饰肽(Pal、Myr、Ste),磷酸化修饰肽(P-Ser、P-Thr、P-Tyr),环肽(酰胺键环肽、一对或者多对二硫键环),生物素标记肽,PEG修饰肽,甲基化修饰肽


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